
Where’s the rug?

I put a lot of myself into every job which I hold and I have worked consistently until yesterday. Yesterday, I was let go from my job. I knew it was coming, but the rug was pulled out from under me.

Despite my having a pretty good idea it was coming, I really thought I would have been given some warning. I had been looking for a position for a while and thought I could secure something before the inevitable. I was wrong. I have cried a bit and today I feel better about things.

If I must be unemployed, I guess now is a good time for it. Taxes just came in and I was given two weeks of severance. I should also be able to collect unemployment.

The job I had was killing my soul. Management claimed to be strong Christian people, but treated people horribly. I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated. My daughter commented on my not being more upset immediately after it happened and friends have mentioned that I seem so much less stressed already.

A little time off may be a good thing. I can finally get my house cleaned and organized. My dad is retired and has agreed to help me with a few projects. I can get my car worked on, the dog groomed, and the list goes on.

So, there is my update. I am not sure what is next, but we are going to be okay. Excited to see what happens next.


What’s been happening

I knew it had been a while since I posted anything, but I was shocked to see it was actually since July. Seriously?!

What can I say? Life has been crazy. Mostly a good crazy, but there have been a few iffy things in the mix. Honestly, you would probably have had more posts if it things were crappy.

So dang, what has happened since July?

  1. I finished my Bachelor’s degree!
  2. I changed jobs.
  3. I ended up getting into a booty call situation. Very disappointing.
  4. My kid got accepted to college!
  5. I got a bunny.
  6. My Mr. On Again Off Again’s estranged wife got sent to jail.
  7. I started taking tap dancing lessons
  8. My brother got out of jail.
  9. My brother fell from a roof and shattered both of his feet.
  10. I painted my hall and dining room.
  11. I managed to dispute a creditor that was hurting my credit score and got the marks removed.
  12. We made our plans for next summer’s vacation and started paying towards the trip.
  13. We marked a few more things off our 40 before 40 list.
  14. Decided to pursue a Graduate Certificate program (starting next month)
  15. Bought tickets for a ball in February

So… all of those things have happened just in the second half of the year. It really does not seem like as much when it is all written out, but 2017 has been interesting to say the least!

I was talking the other day to someone about what is waiting around the corner. Honestly, I am excited to see. I have a feeling that 2018 is going to be another crazy year full of change and I am looking forward to seeing what comes down the pike.


It’s Raining Men

Mr. On Again Off Again disappeared on me about two weeks ago. While it was a little disheartening, I have been very reserved with him this go around and did not stress over it too much. I continued doing my thing, gave it a few days and started my POF account again to entertain myself.

If you follow my posts you know I have a love hate relationship with dating sites. I love that they allow me to meet people, but hate that most people suck. Nevertheless, I started a couple of conversations before I decided to hide my profile again and, in the meantime, the guy I went out with a few times previously resurfaced.

Funny thing about dating, it is either feast or famine.

Saturday night a friend at the bar tried to feel out if I would be interested in dating him after he saw the guy that I went out with previously. The guy is older than me by eight years but I guess my friend thought he looked older maybe? It opened up a very awkward conversation about my dating older men as he is old enough to be my father. I love my friend, but no.

I had my date Sunday with the guy that I had dated before; I have not heard from him since which is fine as it is how he is and I am not sure how interested I am. I got asked to dinner by a POF guy I have been talking to for tonight; I had to decline-we are going to try for another night. Then, Mr. On Again Off Again popped back up. His excuse for not being in touch was lame, but I believe it was legit. And, because I needed one more distraction, another POF guy that I have talked to on and off popped up this morning.

Seriously? What in the world is going on here?

Whatever it is, I am flattered and amused. Maybe dating a bit while the rest of my life happens is the route I am supposed to take for now? I guess time will tell. Until then, I am just trying to go with the flow and see what happens next.



Newsflash: This girl has no freaking clue what she is doing at the moment!

For real. It is bad. I had not realized how bad it was until last night when I was out on a date and talking about life.

My life is a mess.

I am going to back up a bit. First, I actually had a date! Hold the press! That shit never happens. But it did and it was a guy that I was actually interested in. Note the word “was” because now I am not so sure. We had gone out a couple of times last year; I was interested and he had stuff going on. He resurfaced last week and was going to meet me out Monday, but things did not work out. He ended up making an appearance at the bar I was at Saturday night. Funny side note: I was singing Offspring’s Self Esteem karaoke when he walked in. Smh. He texted yesterday and asked about dinner which I jumped at.

My life really never changes. I am ridiculously boring. Really. It is not a bad thing usually. The last couple of months, however, I have found myself itching for change. As we were chatting we talked about my house. It is in a great part of town, but my street is busy, so I have started to seriously consider selling. My kids are getting older and will be gone in a couple of years. I have recently finished my degree and do not know what is next for myself as far as educational/professional goals.

I am sure I sounded like I have no clue. It is actually accurate.

I am not sure if there will be another date. Previously, I was all about it. This time, I am not so sure and I am actually very okay with it. I have never been a dater and have always been one that wanted relationships. Now, I think a date here and there while I figure things out might be the way to go. In related news, I got asked out for tomorrow night by another guy. Not sure if I am going yet, but it might be interesting….

Until I figure out something in my life, I am just going to focus on things that I can control. I signed up for a fitness class starting next week. My final class at Liberty began last week. I have a crazy list of house projects that I can work on. Perhaps while I do stuff the rest will fall into place. A girl can hope, at least.


Bucket List: Strip Show

Last night, I was able to knock another item off my bucket list. The item: going to a strip club/show.

Honestly, I had forgotten that the item was on my bucket list until today. I was pleasantly surprised that I could knock it off; I mentioned that it was a bucket list item to my sister and she said it was on hers as well which I thought was cool.

So, I thought I would give you guys a bit of insight into my experience. I can say in somewhat certainty that I will not be attending another event like that again. Well, that might not be true, I should probably check out one more to really be able to compare, but we will see.

The event I attended last night was at a local bar. It was a place that I have never been, so I was excited 1. Go see the event and 2. Check out the bar.  I purchased the tickets online after seeing a Facebook post about the event. I was surprised that my mom and sister agreed to go and purchased the tickets quickly so they could not change their minds.

A few things that I learned prior to the event:

  1. Purchasing in advance is not the way to go; Groupon ran a deal on tickets weeks after I purchased ours.
  2. Scoping it out ahead of time a little would have gotten us closer seats, although I am not sure we would have wanted them.

When we got to the event, I was a little disappointed, the venue was much smaller than I expected. The show was also. Another thing I should have done was really look into the show. The group we saw had three strippers. Three. They were not that great. Two chocolate and one caramel. My mom mentioned it would be nice if they had more of a mix initially because two were younger. The third was older and not great either. All had good bodies, but ehhh otherwise. The older one needed a haircut, in my opinion. Of course, the rest of the ladies did not seem to mind any of this, so maybe it was just us.

So, fast forward a bit, and the event begins. Cheesiest music ever. Even cheesier choreography. My sister at one point turned around and asked, “Do they choreograph themselves? WTH?”

Then, they started bringing ladies up on stage. Some paid prior to the event to participate. Another learning moment: do not pay in advance. After the show started, they announced there would be more opportunities and that you could get on stage for $20. When that did not get a great response, they knocked it to $20 gets you and a friend on stage…. You know it is a classy show when you can get a $10 lap dance.

In all actuality, I did have fun. It was fun for me watching the people on stage act like fools. It was even more fun watching my mother who does not drink or get out often (my dad is unaware of where we were). I managed to get her to try a sip of my Angry Orchard which she did not like. I was also fortunate enough to witness my mother interact with a stripper…

The stripper might have been 25 which is the same age as my younger brother/sister. The gentleman had a very nice, smooth body and smile. He sauntered over to my mother and begins to gyrate on her lap. My sister was looking on in awe as I am laughing and trying to encourage my mother to play along. Her response, “I am old enough to be your mother. Shoo. Move along.” And she did the “shoo” hand motion. I almost cried laughing.

We stayed at the show for about two hours and I am fairly confident that those that remained had one heck of a night. I had fun, but think I would rather put the money that I put in the ticket to better use enjoying a concert or another activity next time.


Welcome, July!

July is finally upon us and the month is off to a bang!

I purposely planned for May/June to be light and relaxing. It definitely had its moments, but getting sick was not planned for. Luckily, I am finally on the mend. It is a good thing, too, because this week is not gonna give me any breaks.

I am excited for this week. It is jam packed full of fun and it is much needed.

Monday: A regular work day (may be cut short as I doubt anyone will answer my calls), my final class begins and I am hoping to return to the living and reconnect with my best friend for Monday Margaritas.

Tuesday: Volunteering at the fireworks stand and then a family cookout

Wednesday: My kiddo’s bday! I am working from home, playing chauffeur and hosting festivities in the evening

Thursday: A night out with my mom and sister!

Friday: A quiet night at home

Saturday: Fairystone State Park with family and friends

Sunday: Road tripping to take my youngest daughter to stay with family in NC (I love road trips!)

No more time to be sick! This week, I take back some of my life. I purchased breakfast and snacks for work, meal planned for evenings we were home, and will try my hardest to get in some exercise-it is time to start working on myself again. With any luck, the rest of the month will be productive while being just as full and fun!


Down with the Sickness

Over the last couple of years, I became accustomed to running on fumes. I work full time, have been going to school full time, and try to maintain a normal lifestyle for my kids, animals, and myself. This year as my classes began to wind down, I purposefully scheduled myself a break.

Since mid-May, I have just had to work and try to maintain. It has been nice, but surprising. I do not know how to function without the chaos. I miss having a lot going on and apparently my body does, too. I have been sick for the past two weeks.

Honestly, I am not sure that anything could have prepared me for the constant state of “ugh” that I have been in since getting sick. I guess my body just needed a break and this was the best way for it to get what it needs. I think I might be finally over the worst of it and be preparing to bounce back which is good since my schedule is about to pick up again.

The last few weeks have made me reevaluate a few things. It is time for me to be a little better to myself. As much as I like the chaos, I need to do better with my health. I do not ever want to feel like this again if I can help it.

No crazy plans are coming from this revelation. However, a few changes need to start happening in my world.

  1. I need rest. It is time for this mama to have a bedtime and try to stick with it.
  2. I need exercise. I feel better when I am working out regularly and I am paying for a gym membership. It is time to use the thing again.
  3. Eliminate the junk; I need to stop putting crap in my body and wondering why I feel terrible.

Saturday starts a new month. I think it is the perfect time for me to institute changes. Plus, starting then gives me a couple more days to recuperate. Hopefully, my next post will be from a much happier, and healthier, Ornery Dame.


Vacation Brain Part 2

We are in the home stretch! Today is Tuesday and we leave on Friday for vacation. Unfortunately, that means that my mind is in overdrive. As much as I love travelling, I am a ball of nerves whenever I leave.

I have created some killer packing lists this time for the trip and, thanks to being a clothes hoarder, can almost pack now and still have clothing to wear to work daily. In related news, do you have any idea how much sunscreen redheads should take on a trip to the Bahamas? The answer: a LOT. I have seven bottles going on this five day trip.

I absolutely despise coming home to a mess. Generally, this is because I jump right back into my crazy life. That being said, I have broken down my house so that we have a good chore list for everyone. If all goes well, the house will be in better shape than it is in normally when we get home.

I still need to run by the post office and stop our mail. I will likely do this task today at lunch. I was not thinking yesterday and made an online purchase which I am assuming may be delivered while we are away. I am hoping that it will be delivered snail mail; otherwise, I can hopefully sweet talk my best friend into intercepting the package for me in return for a beer when I return.

The animals. Poor little boogers are being displaced while we are gone. Taking the guinea pig to my parents so my youngest brother can watch her. The dogs are going to the vet to be boarded. I am trying to use all of the dry food we have up prior to leaving and will have to stop and buy more before the trip. Looks like I will be planning a trip to the store again Wednesday or Thursday…

In related news, while we are not having any real issues, I am planning to bug bomb once everyone and everything is out just to be safe. Guess I can pick that stuff up while I am getting a new bag of food for my furry friends.

Finally, I think the only other thing which I need to worry about is work. This is actually my slow time of year, so I am not terribly concerned. I am planning to put up away messages on my voicemail and email. I will reach out to everyone that I am currently working with to let them know I will be out and, then, I should be home free and clear. I will not have access to internet or phone for the trip and is should be DEVINE!

Only a little time and a lot to do. Obviously, I have quite the to-do list going. I cannot wait to have everything accomplished and be able to relax for a bit!


Don’t Blink

We are coming up on the end of the school year and while I am thrilled to get a break from waking up my beastly teenagers daily for the inevitable fight over what they are trying to leave the house in, I am a little sad.

It hit me Monday. We had our annual band banquet. It was my oldest’s fourth since she started marching in 8th grade. For most of the kids she started marching with, it was their last. Her friends are leaving-moving onto college, military, or whatever real world activity their heart desires. It was bittersweet. I am so proud of all the kids and have grown ridiculously attached to a handful of parents that have become my friends over the last few years. We have bonded over games, competitions, parades, and the gazillion volunteer activities that we tirelessly participate in for our kiddos. We are coming up fast on the end of a major chapter.

This time next year, it will be my kid that is preparing the leave the nest. That kid that just started to drive alone in January. That kid that I had to teach how to put gas in her tank. The kid that has to be told periodically to take her clothes downstairs to get washed. The girl that procrastinates on every single project. The kid that is one of my favorite people in the world….

Over the next couple of months, we are going to go visit the two schools which appear to be the best option for going away to school. We have fourteen months until she spreads her wings. There is a lot of planning and prepping that will need to take place.

It seems like only yesterday that I was sending her off to preschool. Now, we are looking seriously at colleges and preparing for senior year. Don’t blink, people. They do not stay little long.


Vacation Brain

The struggle is real lately. I am itching for a break and my vacation is not coming fast enough-23 days, but who is counting? Haha.

For real, though. I don’t think I have ever wanted a vacation so bad. My senior year at Liberty has taken its toll and work has been stressful. My kids are pretty much the same way. My younger daughter is especially excited to go. The first year of high school has been trying.

So what are we doing? Shopping. Too much shopping. On the plus side, most of it is actually needed. We purchased swimsuits last week. I found a cute towel yesterday. Last night, I purchased luggage for my younger daughter-she needed a set anyway since she will be going to Europe next year and it was an early bday gift. I think the only other thing I need to buy is sunscreen and a lot of it with two redheads travelling!

I have also arranged for my dogs to be boarded and the guinea pig to be watched.

We are leaving the day prior to leaving port to break it up-gotta figure out where we are staying or if we are winging it as far as hotels go.

I am starting to do mental lists. I want a massage and pedi before we leave if I can swing it. I am creating a list for my outfits because, you know, gotta look good. Need a master packing list.

Otherwise, I am just a girl sitting at my desk, daydreaming about laying in the sun, listening to the waves, and not having any access to cell phones, email, or social media.