Posts Tagged ‘shopping


Buckle Up

Next Monday is August 1. Summer is over. Done. Finished. Really it was over this Monday, but August seals the deal. This week some of it has started with my oldest starting marching band, but the next few weeks will really seal the deal. By the end of the month, both girls back in school and extracurricular activities will be back in full swing. Looking forward, the fall is going to be insane. Football games, marching band competitions, RYSO practices, dance lessons, viola lessons, etc., etc., etc.

And then, there is me. As the keeper of the chaos, I am involved in all the above mentioned activities, but I also have my own life to maintain. In addition to my regular, full time job, I have registered for my fall classes last night. I may regret it, but I am going to go full time. I really want to push through going full time amidst all the chaos.

I have got to get back in the game and work on myself more with regards to diet and exercise. Hoping that August, while being hectic, can be a good starting point for making some changes to carry through for the rest of the year. It is not too late for me to hit my goals if I really try. So, I am going to give it a shot.

My social life might suffer, but I am kind of feeling like there is not a whole lot there as it is. My best friend and partner in crime has become distant over the last few weeks. Such is life, but it makes me sad. Luckily, a few of my other friends have resurfaced enough to keep me from getting overly depressed and the pinup group I am in has a lot of activities that will take place in the fall. I am too social to be happy just staying home all of the time.

Otherwise, I have had a few dates over the last couple of months, but nothing that has led to anything I am overly excited about. The one that I was most interested in has gone silent as many tend to do and as much as I do not mind putting myself out there, I don’t want to appear desperate. I am really not. I keep debating on looking more, but I really don’t know that I am even that interested. Of course, drunken me and lonely me will sometimes take the reins and make me look for a minute or two now and then. But it will take a special person to want to deal with all that I am going to have going on, so not sure I should really bother.

There ya have it. Looking forward, I think the remainder of the year is going to be rather interesting. It will be fun to see how well we can all manage with everything we have going on. Hoping to get some organization in place over the next few weeks and that I can get the girls to buy in to helping out a bit more moving forward so that I might maintain some sanity. Regardless, I think we all need to buckle up we are gonna be in for a wild ride!




Adulting Sucks

Some days I really feel like I am a decent adult. Others not so much. Lately, there has been a lot of not so much. I am sure a lot of it is because I do too much and spread myself too thin, but geez. Here are a few of my issues lately. Things could definitely be worse, but these are a few of the things that have managed to make me feel like a lousy adult this week.

  1. I screwed up my accounts. I have money. I transferred money. I forgot about the holiday and left myself with nothing to run on.
  2. In my attempt to fix my before mentioned mishap, I realized that I had no checks. I hardly ever use them so, of course, when I need one, I am screwed.
  3. Road work. Holy shit there is a lot going on lately. Everywhere I go I get delayed.
  4. My lawnmower broke. Well, maybe it isn’t really broken. But it won’t start. And it is new. Like two weeks old. Hopefully, it is just bad gas. Otherwise, ugh.
  5. I might have purchased the new lawnmower for nothing; my dad thinks that my old mower might have had bad gas too.
  6. With my overgrown yard, I am becoming THAT neighbor.
  7. I have not cooked for my children all week and I am pretty sure that there is not much for them to choose from in the house because I didn’t grocery shop last weekend.
  8. I have not gotten to the gym all week.
  9. I forgot my little brother’s birthday.
  10. I have zero focus on my work because of all of the other shit running through my mind.

And there you have it. Just a snippet of the crap that has left me feeling like a sucky adult this week. Hoping that the weekend will help me get things turned around and going in the right direction again. Stay tuned!


Getting Organized

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that life was getting crazy, but in a good way. Funny, but my household runs so much better when we are fully engulfed in activities and chaos. That being said, there are a few things that really do seem to help make life run a little smoother and there are a few things that I am considering adding to my organizational systems moving forward.

Current Systems:

Dry Erase Boards: I currently have two. One which has columns for each of us and rows for each day so that we can list our activities. The other is a to do board which I put chores and notes to the kids (their favorite-sarcasm, totally)

Google: I love my Google Calendar which I have two that are intertwined. One for work which is attached to scheduling software and the other which is for family/kid stuff. My other favorite Google app-Keep. I can create lists for EVERYTHING. Groceries? Homework? Errands? Karaoke songs? Gift ideas? Yep, chances are I have a list going.

Other: I am a creature of habit. Some things are just accepted in our house. Tuesday nights, we watch tv and I do laundry. Wednesday nights, we put cans out for Thursday pick up. Sundays, we play catch up.

New Introductions:

Car Organizer: I got a new car a couple of weeks ago and have just started to realize the lack of storage space in the console. I spend a lot of time in my car during the school year waiting on kids and doing homework. I am looking for an organizer that I can keep post-its, highlighters, pens, snacks, my coloring book and pencils-basically everything a three year old needs on a road trip because I am that mom.

An old school planner: I purchased an old school paper planner a week or two ago. Honestly, even with my current systems, I felt like I was floundering. There is something great about being able to write stuff down and mark things off. Not sure I am not in organization overkill, but giving it a try. My girls both got new planners, too.

Stocking my work lunch room: Trying this for the first time this week. I purchased my sodas (yeah, I should quit), frozen lunches, oatmeal, and snacks when I went shopping over the weekend. Now, I am not having to run out and take time away from my desk and I should save a bit-a winning situation.

Other good ideas that might eventually be implemented:

Planning outfits: I should be that girl. I am not. My mornings would run so much smoother. I might get there eventually.

Keeping a packed gym bag: This could easily happen. This should easily happen. It does from time to time, but I think if I kept one ready to go, I would sneak a workout in now and then during down times.

So that is where I am at the moment-in the midst of chaos, loving it, but preparing for when it gets worse or I just am not feeling it quite as much. Any ideas on other things I can do to prepare and keep life running smooth? What works for you?


Good Around The Corner

It is Friday! I made it.  A few moments this week have been touch and go, but 7 hours to go and the weekend is mine!

This week has been quite the mixed lot as far as emotions go.  I had a gut check earlier this week at work which had me stressing.  The girls have both had a lot on their plates with school and extra-curricular activities. We have been some moody witches, not gonna lie.

Funny thing about life though, it really does seem like when things fall apart, they come together.  After some crying, screaming and a lot of reflection, I am feeling pretty good about the direction of things at the moment. I have a lot of good in my life. I think a slight mental breakdown might have been necessary for me to appreciate it.

So here I am working on a Friday thinking about a ridiculous to do list that I have.  This time, next week, I will be on a boat in the Bahamas.  But a lot needs to happen before hand. I cannot wait for vacay even if it will not be exactly the way I had originally envisioned.

After my vacation, I am getting my groove back.  I have let myself slack on diet and exercise, but no more.  Hitting it hard.  So far, I have signed up for two 5ks and we have already had talk of a third. My bestie is on board which should help with the motivation. Pretty stoked.

Spring is performance central. Both kids have concert assessments and spring concerts for school.  We have dance recitals, a play, and multiple events with the orchestra. There might also be a Brantley Gilbert concert in the mix to be followed by a wild night of drunken debauchery….

Pinup season is just around the corner, too.  Last year, I did a few events which was nice, but I feel like if I am going to do it this year it is time to “Go Big or Go Home.” So lookout world.  Pretty stoked about the dresses which were snug last year fitting this year and being able to buy a couple of new ones. Yeah, I am excited for shopping, go figure but a girl has to look good! Currently looking at a parade, two car shows, modeling events, and actually some other events associated with a fashion week.

Life is good.  Lots to look forward to which makes this old girl happy. Now, to conquer the weekend and start the fun stuff!



Vacation Brain

Twenty days from now, I will be on a boat headed towards the Bahamas.  Not that I am counting or anything.  Who am I kidding?  The cruise is about the only thing I have to look forward to lately, so I am all about it.

Setting sail in February would usually not be my first choice, but the rates were decent and we had family going.  Now that we are in the home stretch I have so much on my mind! So much to do, things to get, errands to run.  Ugh. I am a list maker and brain dumping is therapeutic, so you lucky readers get a blog post out of the deal.  Here are just a few of the things that I need to do, buy, etc before we set sail.

  1. I need a haircut. Sure, not a necessity for the trip itself, but omg it is time. Thinking a good four inches will be coming off-possibly as soon as this weekend.  Debating on highlights and low lights, too.  If I do it all, it will probably not be this weekend, so we will see.
  2. Pick up my bathing suit. I finally ordered a swim suit.  I bought one which I think will be good, but wanted a second because the first has mesh and I am afraid that it won’t last very long.  I do not want to be on a boat without a swimsuit, so I ordered one from Lane Bryant.  It is a bikini.  I know, right?  Who am I?  Hopefully it will fit and my girls will not be traumatized.  Related topic:  the thirteen year old needs a second swimsuit.
  3. I need to get a base tan going. I have tanning with my gym package.  I just need to do it.  For some reason, I have a huge mental block there.
  4. It is past time for a pedicure. Enough said.
  5. Eye doctor. Another not necessity, but it kinda is.  I have been wearing glasses all week because my contacts are irritating the devil out of my eyes.  I want contacts.  Gotta make that happen.
  6. I need to check my old stuff, but I am pretty sure I need to buy a new suitcase. We will see.  Not crazy about the expense.
  7. I am a redhead.  Kid number one: redhead.  I think that says it all.
  8. Reading material. I think we are going to have to go sans electronics.  Not interested in paying for whatever roaming charges we would get.  Purchased Wheat Belly.  Think I will try to read and get ready to diet hardcore when I get back since car show season is right around the corner.  Might need a couple of smutty romance novels.
  9. We are down to two pets-woohoo! Hopefully, weather will cooperate and I can get them to my mom’s the day before we set sail. Gotta make sure they have everything they will need and my mom has instructions.  Fingers crossed that my boy behaves!
  10. I am not buying alcohol on the trip and this is with my ex’s family.  For the most part, I am not worried, but still want something to take the edge off if I need it.

Obviously, packing is not on my list.  I think I have that covered.  What am I forgetting?  Thoughts?




My imaginary stalker. Maybe

As much as I like to think of myself as being aware of my surroundings and perceptive. There are many days where I am completely oblivious. Honestly, oblivion is where I find my happy place-I need to free my mind and disconnect from time to time. Then, there are the random days that I am completely paranoid.

This morning was not one of my better ones. I was running late and had zero caffeine which does not fare well for my day. I was frazzled and on edge. I was on my normal route minding my own business when I noticed a red car behind me. Normally, this would not faze me, but something about the driver caught my eye and I thought he was looking a little too hard.

Now, I will be the first to admit that I might be a little crazy. Some days I might be a whole lot crazy. However, the craigslist ad I found a few weeks ago has managed to multiply my crazy. It has had me wondering who sees me that I am oblivious to. I have allowed myself to create this random craigslist poster into my own little crazy stalker because he is unknown. I am curious to figure out just who wrote the posting and curiosity killed the cat, or drove this mama crazy.

Regardless, I was in my car. He was in his. I went on about my business with him behind me. Occasionally, I would glance back and there he was. After a bit I, in all my craziness, was wondering why he did not go around me as traffic in front of me was slow. Finally, he did. Whew! I thought I was in the clear.

Moments later, the guy slowed down and got back behind me. It appeared to me that he intentionally got behind me. Again, it could be nothing. I could be crazy. Or, he could have actually been intentionally following me. Whatever. I needed caffeine. I was a bit ahead of him and went to pull into the gas station. As I was getting out of my car, he pulled up.

Seriously? What the heck?! We made eye contact as I am sure a look of panic registered on my face. If he was not intentionally following me, he surely thought I was nuts.

I went on in and got my drink, quickly making my way back to the car. I successfully avoided making any eye contact with anyone in the store, other than my usual clerk, and booked it to my office.

Really, I don’t know what got into me this morning. I am not normally quite so paranoid. I am generally not one that will not speak to a stranger. Now, it all is funny to me. I think I need to lay off reading the craigslist posts and watching stalker shows on TV for a bit. And, maybe, it is time to find a new route to work…just in case.


Pictures for Christmas

As I was putting dates on my calendar this week, I realized that I do not have a free Saturday until December 20th. Needless to say, no free Saturdays does not thrill me, especially with the holidays coming up. I decided that I need to get my rear into gear.

In addition to not having a ton of time on my side this year, I also do not have a lot of money. I have too large of a family to just go out and throw caution to the wind. I started debating on what to do and while my Christmas list is far from done, I think I have taken care of a good part of my family just this morning.

A few weeks ago something crazy happened, we were able to get most of our family together. As we have gotten older, it has become quite the chore to get us all in one place. Somehow, with one random family cookout at my house, everyone showed up. Needless to say, my mom was thrilled and we decided to take advantage of the moment. We took pictures.

We were able to take pictures with each of my sibling’s family units with only one nephew missing. We took pictures of all of the siblings together and with my parents and my siblings. No Olin Mill’s for us. Our casual attire backyard photos are as good as we get. I decided that these would be the perfect gifts for each family, my parents, and my grandmother.

Yesterday, on my lunch break, I ventured into Ross where I was able to find boxed frame sets to make a gallery-ten frames for $10! I picked up two, one for myself and one to separate for gifts. I will likely go back for another today to ensure I have enough to give everyone. I figure I will do their individual family and then one with our parents/siblings to each of my siblings. I will give my parents a large picture of them with their kids, and then do a collage frame or gallery for them of each of their kids with their family and maybe sprinkle in a few random cute pics I have of grandkids.

I, personally, love Shutterfly and downloaded the pics onto their site where I was able to designate which sizes I wanted for each photo. I found a coupon code allowing for 30 free 4×6 prints which knocked down the price a little. Bing, bang, boom! My siblings/their spouses have a gift and so do my parents and grandmother. I will likely do more, but I at least have a start towards Christmas and at a reasonable price. I will likely end up with $30 in frames and around $15 in pictures with that covering six gifts; I think $7 a gift is pretty darn awesome!

Now, if only I can get so lucky with my kids’ Christmas gifts….


Summer “break”

When I started this blog, I had a lot of time on my hands. Well, maybe not a lot, but more than I generally do these days. I hate that I let my writing slide, but it is one of the areas that tends to suffer when life gets hairy. Really, a lot of things suffer when life gets hairy.

Since I started my blog, I decided to go back to school. My kids decided to take on extra activities. My work has picked up. I guess those are the main things that are keeping me from doing the things that I really enjoy doing. So many activities have gotten pushed aside; that is why I am happy to finally have a lull in activity.

I am not getting a huge break; really it is less than a month. But this is my summer break in classes; three weeks which I can use wisely to finish projects, organize, and maybe regain some sanity. So what’s on the agenda for my “break”?

• Finishing a baby afghan for my newest nephew. I started it months ago in hopes of having it ready before he came. He came a few weeks ago…
• Finishing the seating and shelves in the camper and preparing it for the shop. Larry, is really spearheading this, but someone has to hand him the screwdriver and nails.
• Crafty camper projects. I have tons of stuff to paint and sew to pull everything together.
• Write! I have had so many great things to write about and no time! You might see me blowing up your reader feeds. Be prepared.
• Work on diet and exercise. This might be a stretch, but I figure I can at least start the diet part again while I can focus a bit. Exercise might have to wait until fall when my projects are back under control; I am taking a class this fall that will make me have to exercise.
• Back to school! New clothes and supplies are on our horizon.
• Household organization. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, the house is a disaster area. Time to clean, go through everything, and get reorganized.
• Prepare for craziness. What can I do now to keep down future chaos? Meal planning. Freezing ahead breakfast/dinners. Ensure that clothing is ready for a quick change when weather turns cold.
• Squeeze in some more fun! Summer is not over yet! Looking at trips to the lake, tubing, and back to school shopping is always more fun in a big mall!


The End Of The Rainbow

As a single mom, I do the best that I can to provide and give my kids some luxuries, but I can only do so much. We buy used, look for sales, etc.

My oldest has middle school graduation coming up. We found her dress on sale and we were both happy. She intends to wear the dress for Easter as well. She has been wishing and whining for a pair of Rainbow sandals for a while now and I thought it would be a good thing to put into her Easter basket so she could have them for church on Sunday.

I figured that the flip flops would be a few dollars more than I would normally spend on a pair of sandals. I was not expecting a price tag of $53.99. I could not buy them and feel good about the decision. No way. No how.

Generally, I feel like American Eagle is a bit overpriced. However, I thought I would stop in and see what their selection of flip flops looked like on the off chance they had some similar. They really did not, but they had some cute ones for $24.95 and I found a pair that would work with her dress. It was more reasonable and was actually what I figured I would spend initially on the Rainbows, so I picked them up.

I decided to comb through the sale racks before leaving and found a shirt and scarf on mark down with an additional 70% off, so I could not let that by. I picked them up as well.

At the register, I was told that shoes were buy one get one half. Even though we did not need more, I went back and got a second pair of flip flops. She will wear them. I have no doubt.

In all, I got two pairs of shoes, a shirt, and a scarf for $47 and some change. It all still came to less than the Rainbows and I think the American Eagle shoes are much cuter.

Not sure just how disappointed my kid will be with the alternative shoes, but I think I did pretty well!


Dinner on the Cheap

It has been a while since I posted anything, especially anything about being frugal. I guess I really just haven’t been inspired. That was until tonight.

This week, I started a diet. I hate to diet. I especially hate it come dinner time. After a long day, no one wants to be cooking and my family has too much going on for me to devote a lot of time to preparing a huge meal which is why I really liked how this turned out…

Monday I had an impromptu trip to the grocery store with my eldest and we found some chicken on sale. We bought two packages of boneless skinless chicken breast for around $3 a package. One package had two breasts and the other had three. It was plenty for our family of four. Honestly, I thought I bought four; the fifth breast was a nice surprise.

This morning, I got smart and decided to pull out the handy dandy crockpot. I put the breasts in with a jar of chunky salsa and then decided it needed a bit more, so I threw in some tomato puree. And off I went to work.
When I got home, the rest came together easy. I made some brown rice and opened a bag of frozen peppers and onions. I put the chicken, veggies, and sauce from the salsa/puree over the rice.

I thought dinner was pretty awesome. The kids gave it mixed reviews.

I had a large breast left over, plenty of sauce and some chicken which had fallen apart left over. So, what to do? I stopped by the store and picked up tortillas, cheese, and sour cream. Tomorrow night, chicken tacos.
As I was putting the chicken away for tomorrow, I was shocked by the amount of sauce I had left. I went ahead and froze the remaining sauce. I figure it will be great in chilli beans. I bought beans on sale the other day.

So basically, I got three meals from what started with $6 of chicken and maybe $3 in canned goods which I threw in the crockpot. And tomorrow’s dinner is planned and super simple. I am a pretty proud of myself.